Friday, September 5, 2014

Africa Exporting Jobs to Europe


AFRICAN countries are failing to reduce youth unemployment because they are not doing enough to industrialise.  
Even when African trade improves, it does not create jobs because the exports are mostly raw materials.
Available data indicates that the bulk of Africa’s trade is destined for Europe, Asia and America largely because there are no processing industries to add value to its natural resources, which would increase inter-continental trade.

According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 2013 report, intra Africa trade reached US$130.1 billion in 2011 representing 11.3 per cent of African trade with the world.

The report indicates that three countries namely Lesotho, Zimbabwe and Swaziland had a ratio of Africa trade to Gross Domestic Product (GDP, accounting for more than 50 percent....Read More.